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Polaris Australis

Polaris Australis, auch Sigma Octantis, σ Octantis oder σ Oct, ist ein Stern im Sternbild Oktant und der derzeit dem südlichen Himmelspol nächstgelegene mit freiem Auge sichtbare Stern. Wikipedia
Sternbild: Oktant
Radius: 1.643.000 mi (3,8 R☉)
Masse: 3,978 × 10^30 kg (2 M☉)
Helligkeit: 5,47
Oberflächentemperatur: 7.460 K
Entfernung zur Erde: 280,5 Lichtjahre

Weitere Fragen
Sigma Octantis von de.m.wikipedia.org
Polaris Australis, auch Sigma Octantis, σ Octantis oder σ Oct, ist ein Stern im Sternbild Oktant und der derzeit dem südlichen Himmelspol nächstgelegene mit ...
Sigma Octantis von en.m.wikipedia.org
Sigma Octantis is a solitary star in the Octans constellation that forms the pole star of the Southern Hemisphere. Its name is also written as σ Octantis, ...
Sigma Octantis von theskylive.com
Polaris Australis, also designated as σ Octantis, is a variable hypergiant star of magnitude 5.47 in the constellation of Octans.
Sigma Octantis von warframe.fandom.com
The Sigma & Octantis is a sword and shield combo, available through the Daily Tribute system. This weapon features a special shield throw attack, ...
Sigma Octantis von www.star-facts.com
28.06.2022 · Polaris Australis (Sigma Octantis) is the current South Star, the nearest visible star to the south celestial pole.
Sigma Octantis von flatearth.ws
There is no South Star as useful as Polaris in the north. Flat-Earthers use it to “disprove” the existence of the south celestial pole, which cannot possibly ...
In the constellation of Octans (the Octant) and named in modern times, it is better known as Sigma Octantis, after the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet. At the ...
Sigma Octantis von grapefruit1.bandcamp.com
1,00 $
Sigma Octantis by Roy Montgomery, released 04 September 2020.
Sigma Octantis von www.britannica.com
20.03.2024 · The southern polestar, Polaris Australis (also called Sigma Octantis), has a magnitude of 5.4 and thus, unlike the north polestar, Polaris, is ...